Our vision is to transform supplier relationships & negotiation management to help you capitalize on the great value-creation potential in procurement.
More Negotiations, Higher Impact, Faster Execution
Trusted by Global Organizations, Procurement Specialists & Negotiation Experts
Go beyond the Basics of Procurement. Manage supplier relationships strategically and negotiate sustainably: Generate value beyond cost savings. Create true impact for your company.
LeanLinking’s Supplier Relationship Management solution integrates with any ERP, BI, and most other solutions that carry supplier-related data.
LeanLinking was born when co-founder Lars Kuch Pedersen — then Procurement Director at Wolseley, the world’s largest plumbing distributor — became frustrated with the very limited access procurement had to basic data about the relationship with suppliers and how each supplier performed. Faced with this challenge and unable to find existing providers with the right solution, Lars set out to create LeanLinking Relations. It’s the only tool on the market that effectively manages supplier relationships, governance, and performance on the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. The goal is to strengthen partnerships by enabling access to complete and relevant information at the right time, all the time, to seamlessly orchestrate value-filled collaborations. In the wake of user success with LeanLinking RELATIONS, Lars observed that supplier data were not actively being used in re-negotiations with suppliers. He realized that while information is power, without context, users can have all the information in their hands yet be lost if they do not know what to do with them. This sparked the idea which would become LeanLinking DEALS — a solution that utilizes all supplier data to guide users through a best practice negotiation process by providing them with automated insights and arguments to achieve the best possible negotiation results. It’s the only solution on the market that delivers knowledge and insights at the right time, contextualized for the specific negotiation you’re working on. The aim is to ensure that your team is fully prepared with the right facts, the right stakeholders, and an effective negotiation strategy, so you can do more negotiations at a higher level of quality using less time per negotiation. Today, LeanLinking has two distinct solutions that work autonomously or in tandem, developed, designed, and overseen by procurement and negotiation executives, programmers, and business developers who strive to constantly improve and innovate to help you turn every challenge into an opportunity.
Time-To-Value: Gain value in weeks. Not months or years.
With LeanLinking, you’re guaranteed success from the start with powerful solutions for generating impact not only for the bottom line but also for communities and society as a whole. Jumpstart a profitable and more sustainable future for your enterprise. In only a matter of days, you can gain a deeper understanding of your suppliers’ relationships and performance across your organization with LeanLinking RELATIONS. Within weeks, you can start making substantial improvements, and are fully prepared to give each of your suppliers 360º feedback, setting new objectives and standards on your journey towards building a world-class procurement function. When it comes to negotiations, preparation and data are the keys to value creation. LeanLinking DEALS provides you with clear insights and guidance that empowers you to maximize the outcome in every negotiation. Relations or DEALS, value creation starts faster with LeanLinking
Practical Intelligence
LeanLinking RELATIONS and DEALS have been carefully crafted with the user front and center. Intuitive, consistent, simple, and powerful — the goal is to add value, not frustration. We provide solutions that enable smooth, efficient, and real-time collaboration across the value chain. So every user can get all the benefits of our user-based designs, whether it be a Category Manager, CPO, Assistant, or Supplier. Having spent more than 100,000 hours creating practical solutions that solve very complex problems and generate great value for every enterprise, LeanLinking delights in delighting you.
Time-To-Value: Gain value in weeks. Not months or years.
Born and Bred in the Cloud
We didn’t move to the cloud, nor do we provide “cloud-based options”. This means you can deploy and configure LeanLinking with significantly fewer IT resources — if any at all. Of course, it also means you can easily access & update LeanLinking from anywhere at any time. The LeanLinking cloud provides security, scalability, & flexibility with world-class performance and reliability. Because it lives in the cloud, the system can be up and running in a matter of minutes. It’s easy and cost-effective, and your company can start realizing value within weeks.
The Power of One
With LeanLinking, nothing has been bolted on, wedged in, or slapped together. Whether it’s RELATIONS or DEALS, you have a consistent interface across a single platform. Easily integrate LeanLinking Relations or DEALS with other supplier-related or analytics solutions and have everything in one unified workflow. It is the power of one.
Experience LeanLinking
Bring more value into your Supplier Relationships
Create greater impact from your Negotiations
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